
I researched and explored i-pad apps for non-verbal students to ensure that a method of communication for these students was available to them to access the curriculum. Proloquo2go was the app that I considered most appropriate for our cohort of students. I discussed with the leadership team the importance of collaboration with staff, home, therapists and the students to ensure strong uptake of the program. Knowing that some of our feeder primary schools (Malkara) successfully use these programs, I collaborated with Therapy ACT Speech Therapists to ensure that activities and programs for non-verbal students complied with recognised approaches. Discussions with the speech pathologists confirmed my commitment to explore, implement and review the use of a range of programs for i-pads. These preliminary discussions highlighted the need for a very coordinated home/school approach and built on existing strategies to facilitate alternative communication options for these disadvantaged students. The attraction of iPads for these young teenagers was a bonus. I was very keen to use and promote the opportunity to work with families to support the development of communication for their young people. 
After attending a conference for SPECTRONICS in 2012, I initiated and implemented an innovative pilot program specifically created to support our nonverbal students in the use of an iPad with the “Proloquo2go” application. This program allows our students to communicate through the device and gives a voice to those students whose receptive language is not matched by their verbal communication. (Video Attached) [evidence 1].
I carefully planned the Proloquo2go initiative to ensure that multiple sources of information, evidence, student assessment data, curriculum documents, teaching practices and parent/carer, student and colleagues feedback were included. The importance of family involvement with the initiative was recognised as was the more critical importance of staff involvement. It was not going to work if staff were not engaged and able to support the ongoing use of the iPads in the classroom. Formal and informal reviews were a feature of the initiative with the current stage being an example of this. The initial iPad learning phase for students (6 hours per week for 2 terms) has now progressed to students returning to normal scheduled classes with their iPads. There is no way we can let the iPads ‘rust’ in their bags or be used purely for ‘games’ These iPads are essential and key tools for student communication. To ensure that this occurs, I have collaborated with Executive teachers to timetable regular coaching and mentoring sessions in classes with teachers. [Evidence 7:]

Photos of my work with Proloquo2go: Evidence 7

I have established and maintained strong communication channels with parents. Initial individual parent meeting were set up to discuss the program and parents have regularly been invited to join classes. All have been amazed to observe increased communication outputs. Parents have come with their  extended families to training sessions and made a collective effort to maximise their student's verbal developments at school and also mirror these at home. 
Involving parents and carers in this initiative has been a critical component of the program's success. Without parent/carer commitment the long-term benefits of the initiative would not have eventuated. Most parents have made a commitment to purchase an iPad for their son/daughter as they see the benefits in the broader school community. [Evidence 7]
I sought professional input from my colleagues when creating these new activities as well as supporting and coaching staff to access the technology. I created easy to follow instruction sheets for people to access and I made sure they felt listened to and respected by always providing a solution to their concerns and by trying to make tasks as easy and uncomplicated as possible.

Emails from parents: Evidence 7

Here is a copy of my schedule of semester 1, teaching 6 periods of Proloquo2go. These 6 hours have allowed me to work with a group of students in a dedicated communication class, teaching them how to navigate the app and promoting the use of communication in the classroom.

Here is a copy of my schedule in semester 2, supporting teachers and students in the classroom in the use of Proloquo2go across the curriculum. During these lessons my focus is on transferring what has been learned in our dedicated communication class into regular class activities.

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